Class 6 Chapter 6 Changes Around Us

Short answer type questions


Question 1. Give an example of irreversible change.

Question 2. Write some changes that can be reversed.

Question 3. Explain reversible and irreversible changes.

Question 4. The process of dissolving salt in water is reversible or irreversible?

Question 5. What is a contraction?

Question 6. What is expansion?

Question 7. Why tools are heated before fixing wooden handles?

Question 8. Why does a blacksmith heat the metal rim to fix it on a cart?

Question 9. Write some changes that happen in our body.

Question 10. What is a physical change?

Long answer type questions


Question 1. What are slow and fast changes? Give examples.

Question 2. Consider the following changes and classify them as slow and fast changes.

  1. Melting of wax
  2. Formation of curd
  3. Change of season
  4. Burning of paper

Question 3. What do you understand by physical change? Give example.

Question 4.  What do understand by chemical changes? Give example.

Question 5. Which of the following changes can be reversed?

  1. Raw egg to boiled egg
  2. Cow dung to biogas
  3. Bud to flower.
  4. Cold mil to hot milk
  5. Milk to paneer