Short answer type questions
Question 1. Which part of the body moves when you breathe?
Question 2. What are joints?
Question 3. How many types of joints do we have?
Question 4. How many bones are there in the human body?
Question 5. What do you mean by the streamlined body?
Question 6. How is a bird’s body adapted to fly?
Question 7. Write the difference between bones and cartilage.
Question 8. What helps cockroaches to walk and fly?
Question 9. How do earthworms move?
Question 10. Explain the structure of a snail.
Question 11. What do you understand by muscle contraction?
Long answer type questions
Question 1. Define ball and socket joints. Which part of our body has this type of joint?
Question 2. Explain pivotal joints and hinge joints. Give examples of each
Question 3. What are fixed joints?
Question 4. Write the framework of the skeleton.
Question 5. How do the muscles work?