Short answer type question
Question 1. What is cellular respiration?
Question 2. Write two differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
Question 3. Write the names of some organisms that can survive without air.
Question 5. What are yeasts?
Question 6. List the differences between inhalation and exhalation.
Question 7. List out some animals that possess the same respiration process as humans.
Question 8. How does a cockroach breathe?
Question 9. What is the percentage of oxygen and carbon in inhaled air?
Question 10. Write the function of roots.
Long answer type questions
Question 1. Explain the process of breathing.
Question 2. What happens when we breathe fast?
Question 3. Explain the mechanism of breathing in human beings.
Question 4. Explain the breathing process in an earthworm.
Question 5. Explain the process of respiration in plants.