Neeti Rathore

Class 8 Chapter 14 Chemical Effects of Electric Current

Introduction Materials such as iron, copper, and aluminium are known are conductors of electricity because they allow an electric current to pass through them. Materials such as rubber, plastic and wood are known as insulators or bad conductors of electricity because they do not electric current to pass through them. We can test the conductivity …

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Class 8 Chapter 13 Sound

Introduction There is a variety of sounds that we hear in our surroundings like the sound of doorbells, the sound of footsteps, the chirping of birds, sound of musical instruments like flute, guitar, table etc. Sound helps us to listen and communicate with one another.

Class 8 Chapter 10 Reaching the age of Adolescence

Introduction Human beings can reproduce only after a certain age because their reproductive system becomes active after a certain age. The hormonal changes are responsible for transforming a child into an adult. The period of life, when the body undergoes several changes which lead to reproductive maturity, is called adolescence. Adolescence begins at the age …

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