Short answer type questions
Question 1. What are the major components of air?
Question 2. What is the importance of water vapour in the atmosphere?
Question 3. Which gas is the major part of air?
Question 4. How will you prove that dust particles are always present in the air?
Question 5. Why do mountaineers carry oxygen in a cylinder while climbing up?
Question 6. What is the use of chimneys?
Question 7. How do the organisms that live in the soil get oxygen to respire?
Question 8. What do you understand by the atmosphere?
Question 9. What is the percentage of oxygen and nitrogen in the air?
Question 10. Write the importance of air.
Long answer type questions
Question 1. What is weather cock? How does it move?
Question 2. Show that air is present everywhere with an example.
Question 3. Explain the composition of air.
Question 4. What are the harmful effects of dust particles present in the air?
Question 5. What is the windmill? Write its uses.