Short answer type questions
Question 1. Write the importance of the forest.
Question 2. What you can see in the forest?
Question 3. List the names of items you get from the forest.
Question 4. Explain the view of the forest floor.
Question 5. What do you understand by understorey and canopy?
Question 6. What is hummus? Why it is important to the soil?
Question 7. Why forest is called a ‘dynamic living entity?
Question 8. Write the difference between carnivores and herbivores animals with an example of each.
Question 9. What do you understand about animal droppings?
Question 10. How do forests maintain the level of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
Long answer type questions
Question1. Explain the interrelationship of plants, soil and decomposers in a forest.
Question 2. What is the importance of diverse animals in a forest?
Question 3. How forest acts as a natural absorber of rainwater and allows it to seep? Explain.
Question 4. How do forests provide shelter to many living organisms?
Question 5. What would happen if forests disappear?