Short answer type questions
Question 1. Explain the laws of reflection.
Question 2. Write the difference between regular and refused reflection.
Question 3. How do multiple images form?
Question 4. Write the steps to make a kaleidoscope.
Question 5. Write the important parts of the eyes and their function.
Question 6. What do you understand by blind spot?
Question 7. Explain the process of dispersion. Which phenomenon shows dispersion?
Question 8. Write the difference between a real image and a virtual image.
Question 9. Write the function of eyelids.
Question 10. What do you understand by colour blindness? Give a reason for the same.
Long answer type questions
Question 1. Show that the incident ray, the normal at the point of incidence and the reflected ray all lie in the same plane.
Question 2. How can we take care of our eyes? Why it is important to do so?
Question 3. What is night blindness? How it can be cured?
Question 4. Explain in brief the two types of aids for visually challenged people.
Question 5. What is the braille system? Illustrate the dot pattern of the word CAT.