Short answer type questions
Question 1. List some natural and artificial fibres.
Question 2. What are synthetic fibres?
Question 3. What is a polymer?
Question 4. What are the different types of synthetic fibres?
Question 5. What is cellulose?
Question 6. What are thermoplastics?
Question 7. Define polyester.
Question 8. What is acrylic?
Question 9. Write some uses of plastics in our daily life.
Question 10. List some biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials.
Question 11. What do mean by the term 4R?
Question 12. What do mean by PET? Write its uses.
Long answer type question
Question 1. Describe the following synthetic fibres. Write its two uses.
- Rayon
- Nylon
Question 2. Illustrate different arrangements of plastic. Explain plastic.
Question 3. Write different characteristics of synthetic fibres.
Question 4. Discuss the characteristic properties of plastics.
Question 5. How plastic is a threat to our environment?